HR Trends 2025: The Rise of AI and Human Collaboration - Download the Report

Connect All Your Teams And Make Collaboration Easy

Gather all your employees around company values and goals, and inform them about the latest corporate news and updates. Provide them with the necessary tools to work organized.
+40 companies from +15 different industries have trusted Worksy.

Operations Features

Worksy offers many features under the Operations experience pack to help employees work together collaboratively and engage with other teams easily.

Receive employee acceptances digitally

Every company has some documents needed to be read and understood by employees. The “Digital Acceptance” feature makes it easy to receive approval from individuals.
  • Upload your must-read document to your EX platform using the feature
  • Send push notifications to related employees to inform that about the matter
  • Receive approval with just one click, and store the data safely on Worksy

Show how to benefit from features

It can be hard to teach how an EX platform is used to your frontline teams because of their location. Worksy offers walkthroughs to introduce features’ functions quickly.
  • When an employee clicks on a feature for the first time, an introduction appears
  • Walkthrough shows how to use and benefit from that particular feature with images
  • After the introduction, employee can use the feature easily and effectively

Forms: the way to reach the corporate faster

The features like “Contact Form,” “Suggestion Form,” and “Request Form” make it possible for employees to reach the corporate about specific demands.
  • Through various forms, frontline employees reach HR right on their mobile app
  • Digitalization removes the need to fill up a form on paper, saves time and resources
  • Proposals, complaints, requests – all can be delivered and answered within minutes

All the crucial information, together

Questions like “When will the shuttle vehicle arrive at my apartment” or “What will we eat at lunch” may be irrelevant for some employee groups, but for frontline teams, they are crucial.
  • “Shuttles” feature shows employees where their vehicle is and when it will come
  • “Lunch Menu” feature contains information about the foods and their nutrition facts
  • “FAQ” feature offers helpful explanations for the subjects employees want to know

The hub that gathers everything to work productively

Frontline employees’ needs differentiate from the ones who work from the office. Create a space that allows differently located teams to communicate and engage on a single platform.

Manage guest users easily

This function allows companies to give access to frontline teams even if they don’t have corporate email addresses.
  • Even the frontline employees that don’t have a computer and corporate email can reach Worksy
  • Companies can manage and limit the access they give to frontline teams effortlessly
  • Including guest users in Worksy increases its positive impact on teams

Create an exclusive marketplace only for your teams

The “Listings” feature is where your employees can create adverts to sell something and contact their coworkers who are potential buyers.
  • Enable employees to sell or buy properties, vehicles, and electronic products within the company
  • Provide absolute safety for both sellers and buyers, make it easy to build communication
  • Increase the usage of your EX platform and boost interaction between coworkers

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